70th Street, San Francisco, Panama
Monday through Friday 7:30 AM-5:30 PM
+507 270-3932

To remain as the preschool in educational preference due to its closeness, dedication and commitment built over years of experience. We aim to create an environment of cultural diversity conducive to the development of dynamicly learning in English and Spanish, in an attractive and stimulating way, attending to each child so that they can elevate their physical and intellectual potentials to be formed as individuals and carry out the activities that best suit their personal attributes.


Our vision is to continue to maintain education in a fun, stimulating way, always focused in the interests, attitudes and emotions of each child, so that they come out well prepared for the studies that follow, with attitudes of socialization, discipline, creative energy, and values that will distinguish them as good boys and girls. In addition to becoming the #1 preschool in educational preference.

Open Enrollments

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70th Street, San Francisco, Panama City
+507 6613-3958

Copyright © 2023 Teacher Manuela